

From old world charm to modern elegance – wood gives warmth, versatility, and durability, becoming more attractive as it ages. Whether you choose the palest Ash, warm Australian Maple or the rich American Cherry, when you`re looking for a practical or elegant solution, good quality timber is an excellent choice.

Watt`s Wood & Mouldings offers range, reliability and quality in timber sourced locally and from around the world. Joinery manufacturers, shopfitters, custom furniture makers and resellers know they can rely on the quality of our product.

An acknowledged leader since 1991 in both the Australian wholesale timber market and globally, we now set the standard by which all suppliers are judged. Watt`s Wood & Mouldings is certified to Australian Forestry Standard AS707:2006, which gives a guarantee to our customers that Watt`s Wood & Mouldings distributes products that are certified, and confirm that the company only deals with legally sourced timbers.

Although we are an international leader, no job is too small for us. Our range includes all the popular woods for construction, furniture making, and shop fitting, and we are happy to source hard-to-get timber species.

Watt’s Wood – proud to stand for quality, value for money and old fashioned customer service.


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Search Hints
  • enter the common or botanical name of a wood species
  • enter a style or colour such as dark or red to display matching wood species
  • enter a general use such as flooring or framing to display suitable wood species